Sunday, August 7, 2016

Animation Workshop in Bhubaneshwar, Orissa

The Adivasi Arts Trust (UK) has been invited to coordinate a three week long Animation Workshop to take place at the Centurion University, Bhubaneshwar.  This event will take place from 10 August onwards.

The objective of this workshop is to create the remaining animation for the Tales of the Tribes series of five short films that are adaptations of indigenous storytelling for the audio visual medium. For these final sequences, an animated "Master of Ceremonies" will be created to introduce the short films, and to contextualize them a bit. We will be working on an adaptation of the character of  Dr Verrier Elwin to introduce the five short films and offer a Trophy for the story that gets the most votes from young audiences.

The character of Verrier Elwin will be designed by young Garo artist Arak Sangma from Meghalaya. Arak is travelling from Guwahati for this work. The animation will be done by three graduates from the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad: Wangdan Wangpan (from Arunachal Pradesh), Rabindra Bhagat (from Jharkhand) and Kirat Brahma (from Assam). We will also have interactive sessions, film screenings and participation from interested students of the Centurion University.

The character will be 2D: that is hand painted and scanned for manipulation in the computer using software.

Elwin is an appropriate person to introduce the stories having spent most of his life living with tribal communities first in Central India and later in the North East region. He has documented many volumes of folktales and his published collections include Myths of Middle India (1949), Tribal Myths of Orissa (1954), Myths of the North-East Frontier of India, Volume 1 (1958), A New Book of Tribal Fiction (1970), and Folk-tales of Mahakoshal (1980).  Elwin (1998:144) explained that his method of translation was simple and that above all, he avoided either adding any new images or suppressing those of the original, and in this way he was committed to maintaining the authentic meanings of the stories as far as possible.  

During the workshop we will be giving regular updates here on this blog, so do follow along with us as we explore the great work of Verrier Elwin, and learn how to bring him to life again for new young audiences.

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